Local Knowledge Matters: Power, context and policy making in Indonesia. with K. Nugroho and H. Antlov. Policy Press. 2018. (Bahasa Indonesia). Download Pentingnya Pengetahuan Lokal in Indonesian (PDF 2.1 MB)
Pentingnya Pengetahuan Lokal (PDF 4 MB) Buku ini adalah terjemahan dari “Local Knowledge Matters: Power, Context and Policy Making in Indonesia”, Bristol: Policy Press. 2018.
Knowledge, Politics and Policy Making in Indonesia, edited by A. Pellini, B. Prasetiamartati, K. Nugroho, E. Jackson and F. Carden. Springer. 2018.
Knowledge to Policy: Making the most of development research. Delhi & Ottawa: Sage & International Development Research Centre (IDRC). 2009. Download English PDF (French, Spanish-Español , Chinese-中文, Arabic-عربى,)
Evaluating Capacity Development: Experiences from research and development organizations around the world. With Douglas Horton, et al. The Hague, Ottawa & Wageningen: ISNAR, IDRC & CTA. 2003. Download English PDF (French-Français, Spanish)
Organizational Assessment: A framework for improving performance. With Charles Lusthaus, Gary Anderson, Marie-Hélène Adrien and George Plinio Montalván. Washington & Ottawa: IDB & IDRC. 2002. Download English PDF (French-Français, Spanish-Español)
Outcome Mapping: Building learning and reflection into development programs. with Sarah Earl and Terry Smutylo. Ottawa: IDRC. 2001. Download English PDF (Arabic-عربى, Croatian, French-Français, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese-Português, Serbian, Spanish-Españo, Thai-ไทย,)
Enhancing Organizational Performance. With Charles Lusthaus, Gary Anderson, Marie-Hélène Adrien. Ottawa: IDRC. 2000. Download English PDF (Albanian-shqiptar, French-Français, Serbian-Српски, Spanish, Vietnamese)
Working with People: Indonesian Experiences with Community-based Development. 1992 ed. With H. Poerbo, W. Found and L. Grenier. Toronto & Bandung: York University and Institut Teknologi Bandung. 1995. Download English PDF
Chapters, Working Papers, and Articles (sorted by date – newest to oldest)
[2020 to present]
Back to the Future: Are we trapped in our past? 2023.
Evaluation and Program Planning, special issue on theories of change. 97, April 2023.
Evaluating the quality of research co-production: Research Quality Plus for Co-Production (RQ+ 4 Co-Pro).
Robert K.D. McLean, Fred Carden, Alice B. Aikin, Rebecca Armstrong, Judy Bray, Christine E. Cassidy, Olivia Daub, Erica Di Ruggiero, Leslie Fierro, Michelle Gagnon, Alison M. Hutchinson, Roman Kislov, Anita Kothari, Sara Kreindler, Chris McCutcheon, Jessica Reszel, Gayle Scarrow &; Ian D. Graham. 2023. Health Research Policy and Systems. 21, 51
Evaluating the quality of research Co-Production: Research Quality Plus for Co-Production (RQ + 4 Co-Pro) (PDF, 2MB)
This article in Health Policy and Systems reports on the application of the Research Quality Plus methodology for assessing the quality of development research in an application to co-production research. Projects of the Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network participated in this research.
Evaluating research co-production: protocol for the Research Quality Plus for Co-Production (RQ+ 4 Co-Pro) framework
Journal: Implementation Science Communication
DOI: 10.1186/s43058-022-00265-7
From knowing to doing: evidence use in the humanitarian sector
Authors: Carden, F., Hanley, T., Paterson, A.
Publisher © Elrha 2021.
Edited by James Middleton. Designed by Blue Stag.
[2015 to 2019]
Informing Advocacy and Communications Capacity Building Efforts: A Robust and Culturally Responsive Tool for Assessment
Prepared for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation by:
Anne Gienapp, ORS Impact
Fred Carden, Using Evidence
Janet Sawaya, Sawaya Consulting
Rosie Emerson, The Khana Group
Informing policy with agricultural R&D evidence: An ASTI pilot project in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01860
August 2019. Carden, Fred; Beintema, Nienke M.; Admassie, Assefa; Katera, Lucas; Mboghoina,Thadeus; and Onyekwena, Chukwuka. 2019. Informing policy with agricultural R&D evidence: An ASTI pilot project in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1860. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Download PDF (738 KB)
Strengthening Research Institutions: Learning From Doing. 2019. with Assefa Admassie, Abdoulaye Diagne, Adeboyo Olukoshi and Chukwuka Onyekwena. Using Evidence Working Paper.
Policy and Causality: A learning approach. 2018. Knowledge Sector Initiative.
How do You Evaluate a Mental Revolution? Wicked Problems and Economic Development in Indonesia. 2017. Working Paper 22. Knowledge Sector Initiative. Download PDF (2.1 MB )
Building Evaluation Capacity to Address Problems of Equity. 2017. in Sridharan, S., Zhao, K. and Nakaima, A. (eds.), Building Capacities to Evaluate Health Inequities: Some Lessons Learned from Evaluation Experiments in China, India and Chile. (June 2017.) New Directions for Evaluation, 154: 115-125. DOI: 10.1002/ev.20245. (Login Required)
Reflections on Academies and Science Advice. KSI Working Paper 13. 2016. Knowledge Sector Initiative. Download PDF (3 MB)
[2008 to 2014]
Knowledge and Competitiveness in Indonesia. With Budiati Prasetiamartati and J. Ascroft. Strategic Review. Jan-March 2015. Alternatives to the Conventional Counterfactual. With Michael Bamberger and Jim Rugh. in Evaluation Management in South Africa and Africa, Chapter 12.6. Edited by Fanie Cloete, Babette Rabie and Christo de Coning. Stellenbosch. SUN MeDIA. 2014.
Evaluating Policy Influence. with Colleen Duggan. In Emerging Practices in International Development Evaluation. Edited by Stewart Donaldson, Tarek Azzam and Ross. F. Connor. Information Age Publishing. 2013. (for purchase)
Evaluation, Not Development Evaluation. American Journal of Evaluation. 2013:34: 4. Pp. 576-579. (for purchase)
Walking Gently: Some cautions in developing a procedural view of knowledge. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. doi: 10.1136/jech-2012-201059. 2012. (for purchase)
Asking Questions in the Solution Space: Methodological issues in evaluating equity. in Journal of Evaluation and Program Planning. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2012.01.010. 2012. (for purchase)
Evaluation Roots: An international perspective. with M. Alkin. Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation, 2012. 8:17. 102-118. Download PDF (254 KB)
Influencing Policy: Experiences from the field. in Social Science and Policy Challenges: Democracy, values and capacities, ed. G. Papanagnou. Paris: UNESCO. 2011. Pp 165-180.
Impact Evaluation for Improving Development: Rethinking, reshaping and reforming. with P. Rogers, D. Bonbright, S. Earl, Z. Ofir, S. Khagram & N. MacPherson. 2011. Rockefeller Foundation. Download PDF (85 KB)
Strategy Evaluation: Experience at the International Development Research Centre. with Tricia Wind. 2010. In New Directions for Evaluation. 128: Winter 2010. (for purchase)
Introduction to the Forum Section on Evaluation Field Building in South Asia. American Journal of Evaluation. 2010 (31)2. June. pp. 219-221. (for purchase)
Development is not an intervention: methodological issues in development evaluation. 2010. Presentationl at the Virtual Conference on Methodology in Programme Evaluaton, Wits Programme Evaluation Group, University of Witswatersrand, South Africa.
Understanding Influence: The episode studies approach. 2009. in The Politics of Trade: The Role of Research in Trade Policy and Negotiation. Ed. Diana Tussie. Dordrecht, Leiden, Boston: Brill.
Using Comparative Data: A Systems Approach to a Multiple Case Study. 2009. in The Sage Handbook of Case-Based Methods, ed. By David Byrne and Charles C. Ragin. Sage. (for purchase)
[2001 and earlier]
The Real Evaluation Gap. 2007. in Alliance: For philanthropy and social investment worldwide. 12:4, pp 53-54. Download PDF Copy (166 KB)
Infusing Evaluative Thinking as Process Use: The case of the International Development Research Centre. 2007. with Sarah Earl. In New Directions for Evaluation. Vol 2007 (116): 61-73. DOI: 10.1002/ev.243. (for purchase)
Context Matters: The influence of IDRC-supported research on policy processes. 2007. in The Policy Paradox in Africa: Strengthening links between economic research and policy making. Ed. By Elias T. Ayuk & Mohamed Ali Marouani. Trenton NJ & Ottawa ON: Africa World Press & IDRC.
Confluence and Influence: Research to policy connections. with S Neilson. 2005. in Bridging Research and Policy: A new agenda for global development, ed. Diane Stone and Simon Maxwell, Routledge Press. pp. 139-155.
Issues in Assessing the Policy Influence of Research. 2004. In International Social Science Journal. UNESCO. 179: 56(1): 135-151. (for purchase)
Learning from Complexity: The International Development Research Centre’s Experience with Outcome Mapping, with Sarah Earl. 2003. In Development and the Learning Organization. ed. Jethro Pettit, L. Roper and D. Eade. London: Oxfam. (for purchase)
Giving Evaluation Away: Challenges in a Learning-Based Approach to Evaluation. 2000. In Learning from Change, ed. Marisol Estrella with Jutta Blauert, Dindo Campilan, John Gaventa, Julian Gonsalves, Irene Guijt, Deb Johnson and Roger Ricafort. IDRC.
Research Effectiveness and R&D Evaluation in Developing Countries.1998. Knowledge and Policy. With C. Davis. 10 (4): 7-30. doi:10.1007/BF02912497
Research Evaluation: From power to empowerment. 1998. Knowledge and Policy: The International Journal of Knowledge Transfer and Utilization. 10 (4):67-76. (for purchase)
A Position Statement on International Development: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa.1997. with Michel Chevalier and Glen Taylor. In, The Social Engagement of Social Science. Volume III: The Socio-Ecological Perspective. A Tavistock Anthology edited by Eric Trist, Fred Emery and Hugh Murray, with Beulah Trist. pp. 618-634. University of Pennsylvania Press. 1992. with Michel Chevalier and Glen Taylor.
Redesigning Western Foreign Policy. 1992. in Planning for Human Systems: Essays in honor of Russell A. Ackoff. Jean-Marc Choukroun and Roberta Snow, editors. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.